The Procedure
In some situations an abdominoplasty may not be appropriate and an alternative procedure is an apronectomy.
This procedure is the simple removal of the excess abdominal skin which forms the overhanging abdominal apron. The surgery involves less undermining of the anterior abdominal wall. Classically the umbilicus is not moved. The simple excess skin and subcutaneous fat from the abdominal apron is removed and the wound is closed.
This generates less potential dead space and therefore less potential collections of serious fluid (seroma) or blood (haematoma). This is a good operation for patients who have lost a significant amount of weight but whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is still elevated above the normal range (18.5 – 25).
Dr. Belt is happy to assess you and advise you which procedure would be ideal for you.
From 1st January 2016 Medicare has imposed restrictions on the use of the item number for Apronectomy. In order to qualify under the new Medicare guidelines it is important that patients fulfil the following criteria:
- There is intertrigo (severe rashes and skin ulceration) or another skin condition that risks loss of skin integrity and has failed three months of conventional (non-surgical) treatment
- The excess skin interferes with the activities of daily living
- The weight loss is equivalent to a loss of 5 BMI (body mass index) points which has been stable for at least six months

Complications and Risks
All Procedures have potential complications and risks. These can be divided into general complications and those specific to each procedure. The latter are listed in the FAQs below.
General complications include:
- Wound complications - bleeding, bruising, collections under the skin of blood (haematoma), pus (abscess), serous fluid (seroma), infection, wound breakdown, suture extrusion, sensory loss;
- Aesthetic complications - poor scars, stretched scars, raised scars (keloid or hypertrophic), contour irregularities, need for revisional procedure;
- Anaesthetic complications